Algebra 819 - Homework 1 Samuel
Proposition 1. Let R be a ring and M an R-module. Then EndR(M), the set of R-linear maps from M to M , is a subring of End(M). Proof. Recall from 3.1.6 that the ring (End(M), +, ◦) is defined by (α + β)(m) = α(m) + β(m), (α ◦ β)(m) = α(β(m)). We must verify the four subring conditions from 3.2.2. (i) The additive identity of End(M) is z : M → M, m → 0M . Note that for any m,n ∈ M z(m + n) = 0M = 0M + 0M = z(m) + z(n) and for any r ∈ R, z(r ·m) = 0M = r · 0M = r · z(m). Thus, z ∈ EndR(M). (ii) Let α, β ∈ EndR(M). Then by the definitions of (End(M), +) and “R-linear” we get
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Algebra 819 - Homework 7
Proof. Let F be the field of fractions of R. By 6.2.8, we must show that R = Int(R,F). The inclusion R ⊆ Int(R,F) is immediate. Let f/g ∈ Int(R,F) and let it be written in lowest terms. Suppose to the contrary that f/g / ∈ R. Then g = q1 · · · q` with qj prime for 1 ≤ j ≤ `. We can also write f = p1 · · · pk where the pi are primes for 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Note that pi 6∼ qj for any i, j because f/g is i...
متن کاملAlgebra 819 - Homework 6
(a) Let ¦ : V × S → V, (v, s) → v ¦ s be a function. Define ¦op : Sop × V → V, (s, v) → v ¦ s. Then ¦ is an R-linear right action of S on V if and only if ¦op is an R-linear action of Sop on V . (⇒) Suppose ¦ is an R-linear right action of S on V . By definition, for all s, t∈ S, u, v∈ V and r∈ R we have (i) v ¦ (st) = (v ¦ s) ¦ t (ii) v ¦ e = v (iii) (u + v) ¦ s = u ¦ s + v ¦ s (iv) (rv) ¦ s =...
متن کاملAlgebra 819 - Homework 2 Samuel
1 Let K be a field, V a finite-dimensional vector space over K, and T ∈ EndK(V ). For k ∈ K and S ∈ EndK(V ), define kS : V → V, v → k S(v). (a) Let Φ : K[x] → EndK(V ) be defined by Φ(k0 + k1x + k2x + . . . + knx) = k0T 0 + k1T 1 + k2T 2 + . . . + knT, where T 0 = idV . This is well-defined because a polynomial is completely determined by its coefficients. We will show that this is a homomorph...
متن کاملAlgebra 819 - Homework 4 Samuel Otten
Let K ≤ F be a normal field extension. Put S := S(K,F) and P := P(K,F). Let K ≤ E ≤ S. (a) We will show that S(E,F) = S. Let a ∈ S. Then a is separable over K. By 5.2.20, a is also separable over E, so a ∈ S(E,F) and S ⊆ S(E,F). Now note that E is a separable extension of K because E ≤ S. Let a ∈ S(E,F). Since a is separable over E, E(a) is a separable extension of E. Thus, K ≤ E ≤ E(a) is a se...
متن کاملAlgebra Homework 5
Hence, we see the existence of π ∈ Sym(I) with α(g) = πg for all g ∈ G. (⇐) Assume π ∈ Sym(I) exists such that α(g)(i) = (π ◦ g ◦ π−1)(i).† By definition of the symmetric group, π : I → I, i → π(i) is a bijection. Let g ∈ G and i ∈ I. Observe π(g ¦ρ i) = π(g(i)) = (π ◦ g) ◦ (π−1 ◦ π)(i) = (π ◦ g ◦ π−1) ◦ π(i) = α(g) ◦ π(i)† = g ¦ρ◦α π(i) Hence, by definition 2.10.13(a), π is G-equivariant. We a...
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